Business lessons from our full-time RV journey: How to prioritize people and grow your network

When we decided to hit the road full-time ino our RV and take our family (and business) on a wild journey across the country, we knew we were diving into a new adventure with lots of unknowns. Moving around constantly has its challenges, and one of the biggest challenges for us thus far has been making new connections.  

When we envisioned traveling full-time we inevitably imagined laughing around a campfire with new friends, having meaningful small-chat at the local Farmer’s Market or coffee shop. A huge reason we took this leap was to see new places and meet new people. 

However, we never anticipated just how difficult it could be to meet new people and strike up simple conversations - let alone make meaningful connections. We’ve quickly discovered just how isolating it can be without these daily connections to keep us grounded, connected and motivated. 

We’re now several weeks into this journey and are building up the muscles required to network and make new connections on the road. We wanted to share a few lessons that we’ve learned about how to prioritize relationships in your business, no matter where you are:

#1. We’re Made For Community

We all know this; community is a fundamental part of being human. But I think we can forget how much this applies to business as well. Having a network of people who understand and support you can make all the difference. It’s not just about growing a network for business contacts - it’s about creating a network of genuine relationships that foster growth, provide encouragement and help you navigate challenges. The health of your business is dependent on a healthy community and support system. 

#2. Maintaining Relationships is Crucial

Building relationships isn’t just about making new connections; it’s also about maintaining the ones you already have. Whether you’re collaborating with partners, checking in with past clients or staying in touch with industry peers - making an effort to genuinely nurture existing business relationships is crucial. 

#3. Initiating Contact is Non-Negotiable

It takes effort, energy and time to expand your network and build connections - especially if you’re doing it in a new setting where you know practically no one (like we are!) We’ve learned that you can’t wait for a chance encounter to make a business connection - you have to initiate it! 

A few ways we do this are:

Find local networking events: The truth is, networking events have been around forever because they work! It gets you face to face with people where you can have meaningful conversations and connections. 

Leverage Social Media Groups: This is the virtual version of networking events, but we aren’t going to lie - this one can be a grind. Our vision is blurry from how many local Facebook business groups we’ve joined recently! And with the increase of AI and spambots, these groups can feel a bit like the Wild Wild West. BUT posting, commenting, and DMing has produced clients, potential clients and invitations to local events and meetings. 

Ramp Up Social Media Presence: I know you hate to hear it, but your content does actually matter. Consistency does make a difference. And yes, people do actually use LinkedIn! Besides your website, your social media presence is proof that you’re real and legitimate (back to those spambots), and that you’re an expert in your industry. Plus when you’re traveling frequently, as we are - it’s a great place to maintain and follow up with those new connections that we do make! 

Be a person (and business) that people want to connect with: This is the principle of ‘reaping what you sow’. When you step into a room with your focus being on encouraging and supporting other people and their business - you create a standard for your relationships and network. The more you sow authentic, generous business connections, the more you will reap. 

We’re just beginning this full-time journey, but we’ve learned that prioritizing relationships is not just a business strategy - it’s a necessity. And while connecting with new people and maintaining relationships can be challenging - the effort is well worth it. No matter your business or position, prioritizing relationships makes all the difference in your business and personal life. 

We’re still learning and growing, and we’re excited to see where the road will take us next - and the lessons that await us. We hope these were encouraging and practical reminders for you to keep connecting, keep supporting, and enjoy the journey!

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