The Key to Business Success: How to Master What You Do Best

If you’re a business owner then we already know that you’re a problem solver. You have a knack for finding solutions and saying ‘yes’ to opportunities. 

This is a great asset to have - and it’s probably the way you found yourself in business in the first place. But being the answer to everyone’s problem won’t actually get you where you think it will…unless that place is burnout, it’ll definitely get you there. 

Is it possible that you’re wasting your time, and likely energy and dollars by constantly inventing new services, products and offers? When instead you could be mastering a select few services and simplify your business to give you the resource margin (time, energy and $$) that entrepreneurship actually offers.

The #1 solution you need to focus on finding is how to generate the most income by solving a problem for your best customer, while using a skill you’re highly skilled at. 

Let's dive into a few practical ways to identify and master your core offers - whether it's a service, product of both:

Know what sets you apart.
This is called Unique Value Position in fancy business terms - but the reality is this is the thing that makes you different from everyone else in your industry. These are the parts of you (and your business) that are so intrinsic to how you are wired,  you couldn’t hide it even if you wanted to!  - Understanding this will be a massive help when it comes to brand tone, messaging and marketing strategy. 

Instead of making up some fake scenario, let’s use us - 414 Creative as a real-world case study:

  • We're a husband and wife duo that puts an emphasis on family and time freedom
  • We have a conviction to help people take action and launch their dream business/brand. 
  • We prefer kitchen tables (or coffee shops) over board rooms 
  • We are encouraging truth-tellers who believe deeply in other’s potential - we want to see you win!

Know what you’re most skilled at
You may want to bring in some outside opinions, such as peers, past clients or close friends. Often, this is referred to as a zone of genius - and when we’re operating in it, we sometimes don’t view it as a skill or strength because it comes to natural to us. 

Know what your customer needs: 
Your offers don't serve anyone if there isn't a need for them. Take time and do simple market research (aka - ask people who have a high chance of purchasing from you).

  • Your services and offers Look at best selling products and services
  • Ask for feedback - send a survey, ask for feedback after a purchase, post a poll on social media
  • Market research through other businesses, social media community groups and local network

Pick your core offers - and dive deep!

Once you’ve identified what you are best at, what your customer wants and needs - then find 1 solution-oriented sweet spot offer (that has profit potential) and get to work! 

Yes, we said only one offer to focus on. 
Yes, we know that’s difficult.
No, it doesn’t have to be for forever

We understand that it can be scary to cut offers and products off the table because that’s potential income getting cut out. But you’re not just building a business that’s strictly profitable, you’re also building one that gives you flexibility, time freedom and makes money. 

It’s also important to remember that the more skilled and masterful you are at a specific service, the more it benefits your customer - ensuring quality results, potential referrals and returning customers!

And the truth is you can always expand - with intention and clarity! Now that you have a clear understanding of what you want to offer to your customers, start one service - then as you’re able, duplicate and expand your offers from there! 

Building a business isn't about doing it all - it's about doing what you do best, in a way that only you can do it! Download this worksheet to help you get clear on the core offers for your business.

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